Wednesday, August 21, 2019

7 Key Benefits of Eating Amla in Empty Stomach: Womenlite

Almost everyone has heard of Amla or the Indian Gooseberry and consumed it in one form or the other. In fact, it is undoubtedly one of the most Vitamin C enriched fruits that is readily available in India. But do you know exactly how it helps your body? Well, we will tell you the top 7 advantages of including this super food in your diet.

Top 7 Benefits of Eating Amla in Empty Stomach

Whether you like eating Amla in its pickled form, as a sweet and sour candy or as a powder, it provides some amazing effects. So, let’s talk about the main benefits of eating Amla in empty stomach –

1.       Amla Helps the Heart in a big way by decreasing the amount of bad cholesterol in your body. At the same time, it also helps increase good cholesterol, thereby keeping your heart fit and healthy as the good cholesterol ensures that there are no blockages in the veins and arteries. 

2.       One of the main benefits of eating Amla in empty stomach is that it improves the metabolism and digestive functioning of your stomach. This due to the presence of rich dietary fibers that are known to aid digestion. For best results, try eating a boiled Amla on an empty stomach.

3.       Amla slows the ageing process of your body to a significant extent, thanks to its antioxidant-rich content. These antioxidants fight the free radicals that accelerate ageing and therefore, slow down their negative effects.

4.       Amla is great for diabetic patients due to the presence of polyphenols in it. Polyphenols are plant-based micronutrients that enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce the rate of absorbing and digesting the sugar in the body.

5.       The Vitamin-rich nature of Amla greatly improves your body’s immunity and reduces the frequency of catching diseases like the flu. This remains unchanged even if you are taking Amla murabba instead of eating it raw.

6.       Eating Amla helps improve the production of beta carotene, a component that plays an important role in hair growth. That is why many home remedies for clear skin overnight and hair involve Amla – it not only promotes hair growth, but also makes them stronger and shinier.

7.     Amla makes your skin glow! Another one of the main benefits of eating Amla in empty stomach is that it is at least twenty times as rich in Vitamin C as an orange. And Vitamin C is what brings that special golden glow to your skin. So, drinking a bit of Amla juice or eating one Amla every day is great for the skin.

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